Seonghyung Cho
pain specialist
Seonghyung Cho graduated from the College of Medicine, Chosun University for MD in 1999 and then graduated from the College of Oriental Medicine, Daejun University for OMD. Currently, he has active clinical practice as pain specialist in Joint & Spine Clinic Center, Gwangju, Korea with specialty in the use of manipulative therapy and biomechanical acupuncture for musculoskeletal problems. He has published 5 books about musculoskeletal pain and delivered numerous seminars introducing the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal pain. He devised his concepts; Functional Orthopedic Stimulation Therapy (FOST) including Joint Energy Technique (JET), Shoulder Capsular Approach, Biomechanical Neural Mobilization, Biomechanical Acupuncture, etc.
Abstract : Evaluation of new treatment about sacral torsion: Joint energy technique (JET)