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Raj Kumar Dham

Raj Kumar Dham


Title: Heart – Mind Yoga based on Body – Mind Programming (BMP) : Application, Acceptance and Satisfaction among patients and care – givers in a Hospital setting


Biography: Raj Kumar Dham


Heart – Mind Yoga is based on the principle that our heart and mind  is a couple with two way communication between the heart and the brain and they work together in ensuring the overall wellbeing. Using breathing, positive affirmations, visualization, primordial sounds, positive emotions, a beautiful state is produced in which our body - mind system works better.

 This paper is based on the study conducted for about two years in the Integrative Oncology Department of a Leading Hospital for the patients and their caregivers. The main aim was to improve their quality of life, feeling mentally and emotionally more relaxed and positive, to change the mind set from suffering and worrying to feeling good and positive.

A feedback questionnaire using a 6 point Likert scale ranging from 0 to 5 was used to get feedback. Questions were asked about their satisfaction and usefulness of the session.

Total 107 people attended the session and 74 people could give the feedback . All the people who attended the sessions liked it and felt relaxed and better and felt that it will help them in their treatment. 78% rated 4 and 5  on the scale 0-5 conveying that sessions were very useful.

The study helped in designing the session in the hospital environment. Heart – Mind Yoga can help the people in health and wellness in improving the quality of their services and also improving the quality of life for the patients