Mridul Kumar Sahani
Research Institute of Sahni Drug Transmission & Homoeopathy, India
Title: Experimental exploration of mode of administration of homoeopathic medicine
Biography: Mridul Kumar Sahani
Principles of Homoeopathy involve the dynamic layer as basic for existence of life and its disorders requiring similar types of medicine. Thoughts on these planes involve medicines which are beyond molecules. It becomes necessary to think on the way of administering the Homoeopathic medicines
to the patients. Dr.Hahnemann wrote in his Organon of Medicine in aphorism 83 about administering medicine through oral, olfaction or tactual. Further he has compared the effects of these medicines with the mesmerism which reveals his thought for finding out more suitable mode for administering Homoeopathic Medicine. Dr.B.Sahani in early 1967 came out with his discovery to transmit the medicine from a distance through the hair taken from the patients. This was further randomly practiced by many of his followers with claim of great success and evidences. We at RISDTH made random trials on patients attending the clinic and arrived at conclusion that the
distant administrations of Homoeopathic medicines are realities based on practical application on the patients.
We randomly selected 30 patients attending our clinic for the study.
1. Case histories were collected from the patients as per the case taking most classical to
2. Each case history was analyzed for selection of proper rubrics for the selection of the
Homoeopathic Medicines through RADAR software.
3. A strand of HAIR was taken out either cut or uprooted from the head of the patient.
4. Selected medicine was taken in fifty millisimal potency and diluted in water in a 5ml vial
and ten stroke was given.
5. Strand of hair taken out from the patient is inserted in the vial containing diluted medicine.
This is termed as “Transmitting set”. It is put in safe cupboard after putting code number allotted to
the patient.
6. When the hair is put in the vial of transmitting set it is termed as Transmission “ON” and
when the hair is detached from it is termed as Transmission “OFF”
7. Patient was advised not to take any oral medicine, and report for progress after fifteen days.
Follow-up progress was noted when the patient revisited the clinic after fifteen days. Homoeopathic
observation of the case was followed up and change in medicine was made considering the
Principle of complementary, follow-up, inimical, antidote as per Homoeopathy was adopted.
18 cases were fond completely resolved. 7 cases reported with marked improvement, 3 cases were
reported for moderate improvement and 2 cases got disinterested and did not reported.
This expresses possibilities of research in dynamic nature of medicine and there standard mode of
methodology for uses