Pierluigi Pompei
Associate Professor
Title: Alcat test, dieting and noni colostrum in the treatment of ulcer cholitis and irritable colon
Biography: Pierluigi Pompei
Adverse reactions to food could result either in toxic or non toxic reactions, the latter being immunological and/or non immunological based. The immunological based reactions could yield in food allergies, IgE-mediated and via T lymphocytes, whereas the non-immunological ones are defined food intolerances. Ulcer colitis and Crohn disease show a chronic intestinal wall inflammation with altered pro-inflammatory cytokines balance. A higher incidence of both diseases occurs in North Europe, North America and Australia with onset between 30 and 40 years old. Common symptoms are diarrhea, meteorism, colitis, nausea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia. Colostrum is the milk produced 24-36 hours after partum. It shows a protective action, due to macrophages, leukocytes and secretory IgE and IgA and a nutritive function, due to the high content in proteins and minerals and a baseline content of lipids, glycids and calories (67 kcal/100ml). Seven female subjects, mean age between 40 and 53 (2 with ulcer colitis, 5 with irritable colon) were selected as case reports, undergoing Bioimpedance body analysis via Akern BIA, ALCAT test for food intolerance and subsequent appropriate diet. Noni Colostrum was then administered to them for six months. Diet following ALCAT test and Noni Colostrum administration showed a general evidence-based medicine disappearance of the gastrointestinal distress and symptomathology, perhaps due to an increased immunological tolerance threshold in subjects with food intolerance. Moreover, xeronines, contained in Noni Colostrum may strongly contribute to a natural boost of the immune system that may have reverted the clinical symptoms.